Tuesday, June 18, 2013

musings from post chemo dawn week #2

“Up periscope” … 

Tossing and turning through the sleepless fatigued weekend only complicated everything as my father died on Father’ Day weekend, 1997 from Pancreatic Cancer. 
James E Leer with sons Thomas and Patrick , circa mid 1950's
Struggling through the long night as memories intertwined with the present I believe I finally understood his decision after only one chemo treatment to say “no mas” and move on.

Down almost 20 lbs and fatigued beyond describable, I tried a couple attempts to reach my oncologist office. Fortunately Megan stepped in as advocate to arrange for a saline drip as we had witnessed other revive this way.

During and for an hour afterwards I felt actually good but this too faded under the relentless chemo fatigue. Saline and sugar water drips have dominated this week.

On the other hand no pain no nausea … is a godsend. No appetite is a growing concern … nutrition shakes, smoothies, and milk shakes are my new diet.

Intermittent “Hicquakes” may be the most irritating side effect. A hic-quake begins like your garden variety hiccup but quickly multiplies shaking my whole body. Nothing in radiation therapy nor chemotherapy references them, so maybe side effect of Decadron?

Today is first time I had the stamina to even sit at my desk top PC since Friday.

Even better was meeting with oncologist and learning such fatigue is not exceptional and will pass. All my blood work and vitals are A-OK

“down periscope ...”
Patrick Leer
Health Activist:
Caregivingly Yours, MS Caregiver @ http://caregivinglyyours.blogspot.com/


  1. I was given a prescription for 2 anti-nausea pills to take the two days after chemo, as well as a couple of low dose prescriptions for nausea. I did ok until the 3rd day. Did you get anything like that? Maybe increasing the steroids? Just a thought... I hope you can regain both appetite and energy soon!!

    Your long distance warrior bud,

    1. Jackie, gratefully neither pain nor nausea has been a factor for me, just this super fatigue ... thanks for caring

  2. P.S. Extra steroids may help increase both appetite and energy. Glad your nausea is under control!!

    1. Jackie, I will always respect Decadron. That tiny little pill led the charge against brain metastasis ... yet here I am at 0400 up and eating a raspberry filled powered doughnut and drinking a chocolate milk. :)

  3. You heal when you sleep... Rest up!

    The energy will take a while to build back up. And, it may never be what it was pre-treatment. Go easy on yourself... (much easier to say than do!)

    1. Kim, thank you! I sooo needed to hear that I am not alone ... oh yeah 'go easy' is so much easier to say ... I am learning to listen :)
