Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Making a Difference … One BREATH at a time

Updated: Monday, August 19 2013, 09:22 AM CDT Written by: Sherry Christian Contributor: Rachel Snody (RSnody@SBGTV.com)

“Patrick Leer and Ann Parfitt, two Central PA survivors could be spending their days enjoying their families, friends and life. But they're making a difference by educating others on this often mis-labeled cancer. …”

 (click either pic or blue hyperlink to open 3 minute interview)

"...You'll also find 62-year-old Patrick Leer at the event, he's the DJ, despite battling stage 4 lung cancer himself. Along with his music, his message is never give up. He's targeting the younger generation, made up of people like his 25-year-old daughter Megan, who is also his ‘cancer coach’.

It's amazing to see Patrick walking, let alone participating in events considering the cancer spread to his brain. But he's more worried about Megan's peer group, who may not get regular exams because they think because of their age, they're immune.

But with 160,000 American's losing their battle each year, well that's just not settling well with Patrick.  "160,000 a year can't keep dying, that's, that's terrorism."

 "Free to Breathe" is this Saturday, August 24th on City Island. forecast "mostly sunny and a delightful 77˚F (25˚C)." The welcome rally starts at 9 a.m. Be sure to stop by and see Ann and I ... and so many more!!!
Patrick Leer
Health Activist:
My Lung Cancer Odyssey @ http://lung-cancer-survivor.blogspot.com/
Caregivingly Yours, MS Caregiver @ http://caregivinglyyours.blogspot.com/


  1. Your amazing Patrick. Thanks for helping in this important cause. Your strength and courage is inspirational to everyone :-)

  2. hi there. I follow your impressive trip and my dad has lung cancer spread to the spine, liver, spleen and sternum. would love to exchange some thoughts with you. Where can I find your email address? Sincerely, Sweden
