Wednesday, January 2, 2013

real men, manly men and lung cancer

When it comes to trying to outlive lung cancer, statistically men have a slightly lower survival rate than women.

To arms! Get the American Civil Liberties Union on the phone! Personally I am always up for a donnybrook with Big Pharma and Big Medicine.

As guys we are raised with more silly codes to govern our masculinity except when we find ourselves fighting to live.

What is the Manly Man way to approach lung cancer? What does the Bro Code say about lung cancer? What would a Real Man do? Where have all the Cowboys gone?

I even found myself reading about ‘death by machismo’ when it comes to stereotypes impairing screening for and treatment of other cancers such as testicular, or colorectal.

Soooo as 4” of snow fell before the year ended I heard Friedrich Nietzsche in my head whispering in English (with a German accent), "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." After all when one has had a wedge of their lung removed due to successful lung cancer surgery 9 months earlier it is 'essential' to be 'the first in the neighborhood' to shovel my driveway and sidewalks clear.

Though as a concession to my daughter who has invested much in my recovery I did alternate shoveling with relaxing while playing Assassin's Creed III on xBox.

Noticing a neighbor’s driveway and sidewalk unshoveled who had back surgery earlier in the year, I didn't need a code to tell me, as picking up my shovel I headed across the street ... "a man's got to do what a man's got to do." 

Patrick Leer
Caregivingly Yours, MS Caregiver @

1 comment:

  1. that's a lot to shovel Patrick! Maybe next year Santa can bring you a snow blower for Christmas (I know, real men probably don't use one :)

    that was also nice for you to shovel your neighbor's paths

